

CONCRETE a composite material which consists of materials like cement, sand, aggregate, water and admixtures.

ADVANTAGES: -        i) Concrete is economical
                                    ii) Ability to cast into any shapes
                                    iii) Durable
                                    iv) Low maintenance
                                    v) High strength.


TRANSPORTION:- Transportation of concrete from mixing plant to the construction site .care should be while transporting so that no any loss of ingredients occurs.

For manual mix or site mix wheel borrow is used for and for RMC (Ready Mix concrete)  Transit mixture is used.

CONCRETE MIX:-Concrete mix ratios are the proportions of concrete components such as cement, sand, aggregates and water. These mix ratios are decided based on type of construction, cost efficiency and availability of materials.

VOLUMETRIC MIX is concrete mix which is mixed by volume of material, rather than weight. Volumetric Concrete is typically mixed on-site in volumetric concrete mixers, which are self-contained portable batch plants.  These specialist trucks contain all the requisite concrete ingredient materials (sand, aggregate, cement, and water).

DESIGN MIX is the process of designing a concrete based on requirement of strength, workability by determining relative proportions of different ingredients (cement, coarse aggregate, sand, water and admixture) as economically as possible.
Typically design mix is done is certified 3rd party testing labs by taking different mix propositions in hit and trail basis and checking their results for workability and strength keeping in eye the economical parameter.

PLACING OF CONCRETE:- Placing-Concrete should be placed as early as possible to per IS code it should be placed in 3 hrs from the time of batching of concrete in plant. Care should be taken while placing as to ensure there is no loss of workability of concrete.
Placing of concrete is done by transit mixture, concrete pump ,Boom pleasure, chute etc.
CONCRETE PUMP                                     BOOM PLACER                               CHUTE

VIBRATION- after concrete is placed in there position compaction is to be done. Compaction educed air from the concrete and make it dense so to achieve proper strength. If compaction is not done properly then honeycomb occurs which reduces strength of the concrete.
Compaction is done by Needle vibrator, Surface vibrator, External vibrator and Table vibrator.

CURING is the way to maintain adequate moisture content & temperature in concrete at early to achieve designed strength.

Curing is done by Ponding, Moist curing (Gunny bags), Chemical curing.