

       The method of half-cell potential measurements normally involves measuring the potential of an embedded reinforcing bar relative to a reference half-cell placed on the concrete surface. The half-cell is usually a copper/copper sulphate or silver/silver chloride cell but other combinations are used. The concrete functions as an electrolyte and the risk of corrosion of the reinforcement in the immediate region of the test location may be related empirically to the measured potential difference. In some circumstances, useful measurements can be obtained between two half-cells on the concrete surface. ASTM C876 - 91 gives a Standard Test Method for Half-Cell Potentials of Uncoated Reinforcing Steel in Concrete.


Half-Cell Electrical Potemtial method Equipments

Half-cell: The cell consists of a rigid tube or container composed of dielectric material that is non-reactive with copper or copper sulphate, a porous wooden or plastic plug that remains wet by capillary action, and a copper rod that is immersed within the tube in a saturated solution of copper sulphate. The solution is prepared using reagent grade copper sulphate dissolved to saturation in a distilled or deionized water.

Electrical junction device: An electrical junction device is used to provide a low
electrical resistance liquid bridge between the surface of the concrete and the half-cell. It consists of a sponge or several sponges pre-wetted with a low electrical resistance contact solution. The sponge can be folded around and attached to the tip of the half-cell so that it provides electrical continuity between the porous plug and the concrete member.

Electrical contact solution: In order to standardize the potential drop through the  concrete portion of the circuit, an electrical contact solution is used to wet the electrical  junction device. One solution, which is used, is a mixture of 95 mL of wetting agent or a  liquid household detergent thoroughly mixed with 19 L of potable water. At temperatures less than 10oC approximately 15% by volume of either isopropyl or denatured alcohol must be added to prevent clouding of the electrical contact solution, since clouding may inhibit penetration of water into the concrete to be tested.

Voltmeter: The voltmeter should be battery operated and have ± 3% end of scale accuracy at the voltage ranges in use. The input impedance should be not less than 10 MW when operated at a full scale of 100 mV. The divisions on the scale used should be such that a potential of 0.02 V or less can be read without interpolation.

Electrical lead wires: The electrical lead wire should be such that its electrical resistance for the length used does not disturb the electrical circuit by more than 0.0001 V. This has been accomplished by using no more than a total of 150 m of at least AWG No. 24 wire. The wire should be suitably coated with direct burial type of insulation.

      Measurements are made in either a grid or random pattern. The spacing between measurements is generally chosen such that adjacent readings are less than 150 mV with the minimum spacing so that there is at least 100 mV between readings. An area with greater than150 mV indicates an area of high corrosion activity. A direct electrical connection is made to the reinforcing steel with a compression clamp or by brazing or welding a protruding rod. To get a low electrical resistance connection, the rod should be scraped or brushed before connecting it to the reinforcing bar. It may be necessary to drill into the concrete to expose a reinforcing bar. The bar is connected to the positive terminal of the voltmeter. One end of the lead wire is connected to the half-cell and the other end to the negative terminal of the voltmeter. Under some circumstances the concrete surface has to be pre-wetted with a wetting agent. This is necessary if the half-cell reading fluctuates with time when it is placed in contact with the concrete. If fluctuation occurs either the whole concrete surface is made wet with the wetting agent or only the spots where the half-cell is to be placed. The electrica lhalf-cell potentials are recorded to the nearest 0.01 V correcting for temperature if the temperature is outside the range 22.2 ± 5.5oC.
        Measurements can be presented either with a equipotential contour map which provides a graphical delineation of areas in the member where corrosion activity may be occurring or with a cumulative frequency diagram which provides an indication of the magnitude of affected area of the concrete member.

Equipotential Contour Map: On a suitably scaled plan view of the member the locations of the half-cell potential values are plotted and contours of equal potential drawn through the points of equal or interpolated equal values. The maximum contour interval should be 0.10 V.

Cumulative frequency distribution: The distribution of the measured half-cell
potentials for the concrete member are plotted on normal probability paper by arranging and consecutively numbering all the half-cell potentials in a ranking from least negative potential to greatest negative potential.

       This technique is most likely to be used for assessment of the durability of reinforced concrete members where reinforcement corrosion is suspected. Reported uses include the location of areas of high reinforcement corrosion risk in marine structures, bridge decks and abutments. Used in conjunction with other tests, it has been found helpful when investigating concrete contaminated by salts.