
Flow and Transport in Groundwater Systems

          Due to the increasing demand for adequate water supply caused by the augmenting global population, groundwater production has acquired a new importance. In many areas, surface waters are not available in sufficient quantity or quality. Thus, an increasing demand for groundwater has resulted. However, the residence of time of groundwater can be of the order of thousands of years while surface waters is of the order of days. Therefore, substantially more attention is warranted for transport processes and pollution remediation in groundwater than for surface waters.

  1. Sustainable Groundwater Management Under Climatic & Anthropogenic Effects
  • Cumulative Rainfall Departure & Groundwater Levels

Cumulative Rainfall Departure & Groundwater Levels
  • EOF Analysis
EOF Analysis 
  •  Water Table Fluctuation & Chloride Mass Balance Methods

 Water Table Fluctuation & Chloride Mass Balance Methods

  •  Groundwater Discharge Variations 

 Groundwater Discharge Variations


  • Water Balance~Period Curve


  2. Soil Moisture Retrieval & Modeling Using Assimilation Methods

  • Numerical models for simulating profile soil moisture in soils using improved inversion (e.g. GLUE) and assimilation models (e.g. ensemble Kalman filter) are needed to characterize the land-surface fluxes under various soil cover conditions. Soil moisture prediction in plots for various crop types is developed. Near-surface soil moisture retrieval     using ENVISAT satellite at watershed scale is under cropped areas is in progress. Field scale experiments to use future micro-wave Indian satellite (RISAT) are being developed.

Example: Simulations in soil plots with grass cover for understanding the evaporation and recharge fluxes

Data used: 29th April 2005 – 29th March 2007


3.Numerical modeling for stochastic analysis of flow and reactive solute transport in heterogeneous porous media

  • Modeling of the effect of contaminant sources in groundwater is needed to predict the development of the plume characteristics.
  • The random field modeling is required for analyzing the effect of heterogeneity in parameters (e.g. hydraulic conductivity, dispersivity, sorption and decay coefficient)
  • 3-D stochastic flow and transport models are developed for analyzing the prediction uncertainty of concentration plumes due to the combined effect of randomness of system parameters and the input source conditions.



4.Stochastic Modeling of Flow Conditional to Watershed Investigations

Sream Outlet

Blue Colour=Top Clay Layer (Regolith)

Green to Yellow Colour=Weathered rock (Fissured zone)

Red Colour=Fresh or fractured rock

  • Stream flow equations

image  ,image


Electrical Imaging at Outlet


Magnatic Resonance Sounding Imaging 

  • Random Surfaces

Random Surfaces


5.Hydrogeochemical Modeling – Theoretical & Field Applications

Multi-component transport of solutes in soil and groundwater system require modeling the geochemical reactions arising from the water-rock/sediment interactions.

A multidimensional numerical model (HYDROS) based on the finite volume method for the multi-component equilibrium reactive solute transport is developed, which combines the transport model with equilibrium speciation module MINTEQA2 (US geological survey).

HYDROS is evaluated and compared with the MINTOX simulations used to model the metal mobility in aquifers impacted by acid mine tailings discharge.

HYDROS is then applied to the case study of the transfer of transition metals with organic colloids in the swamp groundwater of the experimental Nsimi watershed, representative of the humid tropical ecosystem of the South Cameroon Plateau.

Example: Sulphide mineral oxidation and transport of oxidation products from pyrite ore mine tailing dump


6.Research Areas & Future Interests

  • Groundwater resources assessment under climatic variations and anthropogenic effects using numerical models, statistical tools and field studies.
  • Retrieval of near surface soil moisture through radar remote sensing (SAR) and estimation of profile soil moisture using modeling and assimilation at watershed scale.
  • Stochastic modeling of flow and reactive solute transport in heterogeneous porous media. Theoretical investigations and field scale experiments.
  • Integrated geochemical and hydrological studies in tropical regions using experimental watersheds.